When I went to Author Martina Cole at her new book signing every year when her new book came out, Martina always took time to chat and take photos with me and ask what I was up too & over the years when her books were turned into theatre plays, 

She knew I enjoyed meeting celebrities so when her books turned into theatre shows, Martina invited me to her press night as they where the best time to meet many celebrities attending the evening & I was able to meet the cast and interact with them. Martina always came over on the evening at the VIP Party after the theatre show.

First VIP Night is Martina Cole's Two Women Theatre Show On 17th March 2010 At the Press Night I got to meet the following celebrities Including

Martina Cole
Alison Newman

Cathy Murphy & Marc Bannerman
Laura Howard

Marcus Ellard
Michael Bertenshaw

Sally Oliver
Sheryl Gannaway

Sophie Cosson
Vicky Alcock

Second VIP Night is Martina Cole The Graft Theatre Show On 17th February 2011 At the Press Night I got to meet the following celebrities Including

Angela Lonsdale & Antony Costa
Callum McNab & Eddie Webber

Christopher Fosh
Georgia Slowe

Jemma Walker
Kate Williams

Kika Mirylees
Lauren Drummond

Mathew Bose
Neil Maskell

Neil McDermott
Paul Anderson

Robert Ellis
Victoria Atkin

Warren Brown

Third VIP Night is Martina Cole Dangerous Lady Theatre Show On 25th October 2012 At the Press Night I got to meet the following celebrities Including

Allyson Ava-Brown
Alan Westaway

Cheryl Ferigson
Claire-Louise Cordwell

Dan Rapley
James Clyde

Paul Woodson
Pooja Shah

Tom Turner
Veronica Mulligan